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The Start of Sweet Celebrations

May the light of your lightness honor the nobility of your newness. May the structure of your style align with your style of your structure. May the way you parallel your peace pursue you to mirror your meracles. May the meracles of your reality encompass your moral integrity to lead you through love, with love, from love, by love and light love. May the resonance of these words move you to the momentum of your magic. May this moment meet you in the grace of your pace.

2.12.22 8:01 AM | Celebrating the start of a new self-ie.

The Start of Something New is the Start of Something You.

Just be. Just breathe. Just become.

The more we are just in our own injustices, we love the possibilities of our potential more than the limitations of our own liberty.

Freedom is a feeling. Cherishment is a choice.

Our huemanity of our human experience is in all ways the way we adopt, adapt, and adore.

The characteristics of our disguise are the factors of our future.

Our skin is a shelter of our 'should've, would've could've.' But BExings are force fields of waves - dancing through angels from all angles and lighting through our own elements of benevolence.

Just be. Just breathe. Just love.

Who we become in the process of BExing is how we design the dust of our dreams.

Do you leave a legacy or do you love the legacy?

Our names are merely points of reference but our BExing - our being is infinite.

Our belonging is a state of matter designing our state of mind.

When we choose the choices that flow through "ease, flow, bliss, this." then our human experience aligns with our inner peace.

World peace is inner ease.

To have everything is chaos in creativity. To have nothing is to have every thing.

How we access our excess is how we free our fantasees: butterflies of beauty; wings of angels; glory of godliness.


Picture a picture of your self from your favorite age.

Do you go back in time or do you go forward in your memories?

Do you see a picture or do you feel a thought?

Hold this imaginary photo of your past self in your hands.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

As you look in the eyes of your memory, think ahead.

What evolved within your character?

What three characteristics do you love most about your past self?

Which characteristics have dispersed across the dimensions of your other selves?

What thoughts are passing through your character in this present moment?

The depth of our thoughts is the growth of our thinking.

The way we design our dimensions is the way we de-mention our current self to design our future selves.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

As you picture this picture, what stands out most?

Sit with it. Stand through it. Grow from it.

Feel the feelings that feed through your identity.

What characteristics design your present character?

What characters design your characteristics?

How does the evolution of your you's structure the style of your use?

Design your future selves to adore your past selves.

Adore your past cellves to adapt to your present cellves.

Adopt your present selves to design your adored self.

Breathe in. Breathe out.


Love what you've experienced? It's the start of something new. It's the start of something YOU!

Let's continue the story of your sweetness. Chapter 1: Go Where You Grow

Let's take our connection outside of here + right into there >>



Selfie Brand Designer | AmeraFattah .com | Metro Detroit



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