May the way you be alive in the moment be the revival of your energy. May the patience of your peace reward you with radiance of glory. May the pace of this you be one with the phase of your bestie. May the places you go be aligned with the choices to grow. May the resiliencies of your character creative characteristics of your best self - today, tomorrow, and every day in between.
4.4.22 | Sleepwalking through tiME
Magic is a sense of mode+alities. It's a channel of real+ity.
The access to different dimensions is through the styling of the story and the pairing of the part+ners.
Magic is a meeting of science, signs and synchronicities to make an appear+ance through the [here+now].
To time travel is to allow the body to be on auto pilot and flow into do+ing whilst the brain is de+signing time and the mind is [re+organizing mine].
It is a multi+[task]+ing across di+mentional times of BExIng.
The planes of our grid systems are energy of our transfer+ance fields so when we're pro+grammed to a label of a self then the self is ac+customed to the genetic "en" coding rather than a re+generative de=coding.
The meracle of magic is to make the material+ization an aillusion while the act of entertainment is a delusion.
To fragment frame works of operations is to understand the patterns of co+here+ance.
To under-stand anything; the self audits the angles to see over, around and through it, too.
The subconscious studies this behavioral branding naturally as a mind mechanism and the Me can predict the patterns as an [alt]ruism.
Prisms of shapes are +isms of conversate+[ions].
Life may be cyclical; never the less, patterns are geo+graph+i+cal.
The body is a grid system of communication, too.
Different body language is spoken through our "pulse" points. To be super human isn't to add powers; it's an activatiON of a focal power.
To hone in on a system is to material+eyes the mindset as an electrical circuit and see how it was/is powered and the way it is as it is.
This is a training method of routing resilience and accessing brillalliance. It's a way of training your eMotions to flow through the feel+links as a link of language for the body to feel +ing.
In the "meant"time, the kindness of character is the "row"bot of BExIng; essentially re+creatiing a new self through the i.
MEracles for #MagicMonday
Which of my dreMes means the most?
Where are 3 places my imagination takes me?
If I had less time on my to-do list, what would i move up on my prior+ities?
What in this moment is my self+ie In+heir+it+ing?
How will my body transport my BExComing through a magical BExIng?
Through the ways we ask questions, we align to the answers in different mannerisms.
Sometimes spirituality embraces your aura as an energy "in the room" or sometimes science awakes your body to a new "eMotion" or even when the signs get louder and louder like your neighbor saying "hello" or your teacher complimenting your work.
The acts of kindness are ways to expand our mindset in recognizing we have the choice to choose thoughts that serve our environment as a state of self.
The wavelengths of independent thinking are the ways the "we" of time is an adventure of a life. By being your bestie, practice act+i+ons of asking your selves how your cellves are feeling and asking your cellves how your selves are DoXing.
Dear Selves, (characters of self)
How are the cellves feelink?
Dear Cellves, (internal humans)
How are the selves do+ing?
So, what is the conversation replying to your choice of questions?
Write out a script of your enterpreneneurdom. Which next reality will you enter through this self-growth and conversation with your selves?
Experience reality as a maze of amazing. Welcome your imagination as a land form. Let it be where dreams are made of a reality. Let your sweet stories be place where you can BE your self+ie.
Get the FUNdamentals of your self+ie STARTed because in the here+now, play a lot of min(e/d) games.
[H E A R] is the opportUnity. See if you can [SPOT] it.
In this game of [LIFE], we can bee any+thing. Be sw"t. bBe a stor". Be a Suite Storee.
START by building your B"
on the [M E N U]:
+ Decide where you're [going]
+ Decide where you're [growing]
+ CELEB Rate If You Can [calibrate]
+ Be at [all] [play]aces at once.
Ready, Set, Grow!