May the possibilities of your potentiality connect you to the power of your passions. May the memories of your magnetism align you with a magical sense of wonder through your onederful. May the way you radiate your energy stimulate your story to the success of your self-ie. May the words of your becoming be the authenticity of your ambition. May the style of your success align you to the mannerism of your momentum. May this moment be the magnitude of your super selves and strength of your heavenly cellves.
4.7.22 | passing through Hues of the yoUse. Meracles of Min(e/d)

To be thankfull: the overflow of nothing; the ever flow of everything.
Gratitude is the attitude of higher altitude.
The more we embrace the “neglected” eMotion, the more we honor through its communication.
The lack of anything is an attraction to it, too.

Through designing the contrast, we ask why and how to attract the answers through science, signs and spirituality.
Our mechanisms within our mind are constructed to offer a network of conditioned eMotions; in the freeform flow of self, emotions are a style through – on the spectrum of feelinks that orient a behavior into a belief system.
The way patterns and behaviors are repeated are re+in+force+ment of a character.
The characteristics of light, love , laughter and happily ever after are means of mode+alities.
Through the inversion of the self, we funnel through our feelinks to access memory portals as memories.

The story > as an experiment. The self > as an experience.
The style as the expansion and the structure as the exponentiality.
The way we see words is the way energy flows through our mind as potentialities of our power.
The mannerism of our eMotional wave length is the flow of our futuristic self – in the here and now.
Imagine that every one you meet, greet, and seek are angels from all angles.
Pause. Breathe. Be.
How do you reframe the picture of your reality to see the signs, synchronicities, and science of your cellves, selves and self?
This is your grid system of the me of your reality. Your reality is merely an experience through your experimentation of what is and what isn't.
Design the contrast is to DExSign the structure of your styles.
What makes you, you? What makes you, not you?
Answer these questions in the present moment. For all we have is the here and now. Your responses can change in an instant based on your channels of your choices.

Pause. Breathe. Be.
Have pro+ductive conversations with your selves to pro+gram your self to align through your cellves. Our choice of time is a selection of our priorities.
Today, tomorrow, and every day in between, who do you choose to be? How so?
Excerpt from 3.15.22 | Tuned in to ToMorrow. Turned on by ToDay.

Be the dreamer and doer of your destiny.
To cultivate creativity, dedicate 80% of your time, energy and space towards your identity; dedicate the other 20% to a self of you.
We are mirrors of our "i" and reflections of our eye.
Our identity is the culmination of our cellves, selves, and characteristic of our character.
Our self is the character illusion that appears from the construction of the compilation through our identity.
Want to be more efficient, effective and focused on your future?
Sit with your selves. Stand for your self and style out your wellth.
Imagine your life ten years, a hundred years and 3000 years from now.

Where is this present moment taking you? Where do you go when you time travel?
Designing your mind as a time machine allows for you to piece the way you pursue your peace and power on your potential.
Compliment your present self with a kind word - or two. Use that word for the theme of your day.
Honor your humility. Humble your hope. Harvest your heart. Hear your Art:
It is the perfect stArt.
