/ I Tested Positive
My thoughts were always about you.
I couldn’t go a day without thinking of everything about you.
Sometimes I couldn’t keep you off my mind for not even an hour
but my god,
when I could,
when I did,
I felt so good,
I felt so damn good but somehow it was always you.
You found a way to creep into my life, in every way. You were the only thing that could consume me - I mean all of me - and the hardest thing that I worked so hard to get over
but I promised,
one day, I would do it. I would end it.
I would end the pain.
I would end the suffering.
I would end the heartache and the heartbreaks.
I would end the regrets and I would end the mistakes.
Guess what? the day came and the day went and here I am today; done with you. done with your ways. I’m done with your games,
because you tested me before and I failed,
but as I stand today,
tested in many ways, I’m okay to say.
To my negative thoughts, I’m done with you.
Test me again, and I’ll tell you, thanks but I’m going a different way.