Conversation Intention: Self designation and the consumer influence
Identity Presence Awareness Affirmation:
"Above all, I view. Beneath who, I see"
Scattered minds make for distorted realities.
They will be tuned into to you to tune out of them. Access the they. Access the who.
Herd the heard.
What's audible isn't always what's in decibels.

Tune in to the you speaking through. Know the voice narrating your own dialogue. What is this narrative messaging? Lead the feed then reread.
The one at the back moves with chivalry. The one at the front guides with direction. Move all of the orientation to review the stance of your sequencing.
Preview the pattern.
Distorted visions create pieces of parts.
The micro affect of a macro influence: one percent is a fraction of a whole. Assess. Alter. Align.
Herd the heard. What's tuned into you is tuned through another form of "true."
Piece the parts to redesign the fractional stArts.
When it makes sense to you, see clearer: I am who.
The Past: is it an acceptance or an expectance?
When we see "deeper truths," What is the meaning of our present reality vs. the "then" reality?
Which part of our consciousness invokes the emotion to our perception? is it i? or the me? or the self?
Rewiring our memories: define the process in order of behaviors
Muscle memory: are the energetic fields of i adaptive or accessible? by whom?

Sufficiency as a theory:
"an object in motion stays in motion"
Pause. Reflect. Identify.
Are you conscious of the moment of what objects are in your rotation?
What about the length of their revolution?
Describe the cycle as you define the time.
Review the lifespan of the "life", then, what is the motion?
There are patterns to the way every single thing moves and how every single think is in motion. More than our wiring, it is even in our why-er-ing.
Every question, answer, and relevant conversation is the materialization of the pre, post, and present identity's access of a consciousness.
Essentially, we are mechanisms accessing vaults of information - record keepers of the retrospection.

Every entity is here for eternity - impressions on the Earth as if we were bubbles floating on the gravel. Every soul part of our self is a conversation of body mechanics - referred to as the "triggers," but what is the body field comprised of? To recognize the auric field and redesign, port through the toroidal field of you.
Every think in motion moves with mass. Every thing in motion means momentum.
Up, Up and stay a Way.
Self-Designation Awareness Affirmation: "Vertical expansion. Horizontal growth. Earth: an oath. Self: re-mote."
Imagine your logo as a sign on a building. This is a reference to your business, brand and identity. Now imagine within every building all of the components that make your logo a compilation of your business.
What's your entrepreneurial story?
The building is still. It is a landmark with your logo - merely a reference point to the identity of your brand. What are the components that made your business what it is? Consider all of the moving parts of everything within the building. Consider the invisible moving pieces that connect your business to other businesses. From the people within the building to the email communications globally, these are forms of transmissions relaying information that are connected to your business. The logo - the reference point - is the symbol of compiled data.
Zoom out of this story.
What is the story of your logo? Who conceived the concept of the imagery? What about your visual elements? Everything that made up that logo, the colors, the fonts, the symbolism is co+created by your subconscious, coconscious and alternative consciousness.
When considering consumer influence, what built your business is what designed your brand.
Access. Align. Design.
From landmarks to logos, there is a story to every self. Is your story about where your influence is or who your consumers are?
If everything is interconnected and your logo is the symbol to represent your story, what is your story? Where does it place this self of you? What about the identity of all of the who's?