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It's a new month -- HELLO MAY. Life is resuming after two months of quarantine and worlds that were in a vicious cycle of repetition and just existing. One way to get out of the rut is to refocus. Set your eyes on some goals and realign with your purpose.

I find that goal-setting and staying organized is a part of my secret to success. It's what makes me become the better version of myself and remain dynamic.

Here are my tips for goal-setting and getting ahead:

Set some time to declutter. Clear your mind. Unload that brain dump onto something you can reflect back on. Write away in a journal, your phone’s notes app, your yearly planner, post-it’s or anything along those lines. It is best to have your goals somewhere within sight. Catch a glimpse of those beauties every time you’re in a home zone. By home zone, I mean somewhere your goals are safe, visible and within reach - literally. Once you've unloaded those wonderful wishes, categorize them:

  • Career

  • Financial / Personal Wealth

  • Spiritual / Religious

  • Physical / Health

  • Intellectual / Mindset

  • Family/ Relationships

  • Social

then, organize them:

  • Daily goals

  • Weekly goals

  • Yearly goals

  • Five year plan

By organizing your goals, you've created a clear path for how you'll reach your destination. Remember,

A goal without a plan is just a wish.

So what next? Journal about it.

Have a relationship with your goals. Build a solid foundation and grow with it. Ask yourself questions as you'd ask a potential partner.

Here are some beneficial and insightful questions to get started:

  • What steps do you need to take achieve these goals?

  • How often will you revisit them?

  • Who can you tell about your goals?

  • Who will support you in accomplishing these goals?

  • Why do you want to reach these goals?

  • How will you feel when you reach those goals? (Because YOU WILL)

  • What challenges/ obstacles can you face?

  • What will help you say disciplined?

  • What rewards will you offer yourself?

If you've journaled before or just getting familiar with the experience, take some time to reflect on past goals. What daily, weekly, yearly or lifetime goals have you previously set for yourself?

Use this reflection period for growth. Have you been satisfied with your progress? What have you accomplished? What helped you attain those goals? As with any relationship, commit. Check in with them as frequently as needed. Goals - and our lives- are dynamic. They can change - as our lives. Work with them and don't give up once you've faced an obstacle - readjust. Communicate. If you ever feel uncomfortable, ask yourself why? Is it growth? Is it no longer for you?

Feel the emotions behind your goals. Every morning, determine that you're going to have a good day and set your tasks for the day. Everyone faces challenges differently and each day can be vary significantly from the previous or the next. Your tasks can include minor things as simple as having breakfast or meditating for five minutes to larger, more time consuming tasks such as developing a business plan or hosting a corporate event. When the task gets bigger, break it down into sub tasks. This will help you not feel overwhelmed and ensure you're completing the task as best you can. When you create sub tasks as a list for larger tasks, again, you're creating a clear path for how you'll accomplish the larger task or goal.

Review and Redo

Now that you're a goal-setting rock star, reflect upon goals you're setting and goals you've accomplished, then repeat.

Merry May and Good Luck, Goal-Setters!

Have any tips and tricks that help you achieve your goals? Let me know.

The battle of 'What If' vs. 'What Now?'

We're all naturally curious creatures.

Come on, let's keep it real.

  • How many times have you thought about messaging your crush?

  • What would happen if we were just a little more rebellious and broke more rules? What's a speed limit anyways, right?

  • How many times have you thought about pulling a Karen on a Karen?

  • What would happen if you kind of just free styled that recipe?

  • Would you really be able to find a job you love if you finally quit that horrible 9-to-5?

  • Could you really backpack across Europe for a year?

Sometimes our curiosity peaks our interest in minor ideas and sometimes it comes down to life-changing decisions.

If you think about it, everything comes down to fear vs. following our heart. Deep down we're searching for answers - even subconsciously. It's just how our brain works. It's our curiosity to want to know the who, when, what, why, and how of things and people.

Your heart's voice speaks to you through your feelings. Those emotions were meant to be understood. Listen to your heart. We've all heard that one before.

Nevertheless, fear speaks to us through judgments, opinions, excuses, and materialistic measures. It speaks to us in louder decibels. Fear presents itself as reasons greater than our purpose.

Consider situations in which you've experienced anxiety. After all, anxiety stems from fearing the unknown and overthinking the possibilities of what could happen and then all of those situations that could happen from what could happen.

"It's impossible," said pride. "It's risky," said experience. "It's pointless," said reason. "Give it a try," whispered the heart. - Unknown

Common situations of following the heart vs. fear:

Heart: Leave this relationship.

Fear: How can you live without him/her? You've already been together for so long. What about the kids?

Heart: Find a new career.

Fear: You will likely fail. Who's going to hire me? You don't even have a resume.

All I'm saying is there will always be reasons not to [fill in the blank]. Stop being afraid of what can go wrong and think of all that can go right.

When our time here on Earth is done, wouldn't it have been better to live a life of "oh wells" than "what ifs"?

Following your heart may and will lead you to the path less traveled. You may embark on a journey in which you have no idea the route you're taking; however, your heart knows the destination. Your heart knows the destination because within your heart lies your destiny.

Following your heart is following a higher self, your true self. It's as if your future you is leading your way, even if it may be through trials and tribulations. Your future self is taking you to the people and places truly meant for you. Fear will fade. Fear will always fade when it comes to focusing on the now and later versus the now and then.

Follow your heart.

Find your destiny.

Resilience is very different than being numb. Resilience means you experience, you feel, you fail, you hurt. You fall. But, you keep going. - Yasmin Mogahed

Have you heard of that saying, "misery loves company?"

It does.

Negative people and negative energy will spoil everything and everyone around. Let's be honest. Sometimes it's us. Sometimes we're our own worst enemy. We're the misery and we keep ourselves company with the trauma we choose to relive.

Break that cycle.

Break that cycle now.

Be resilient. Overcome the choice to succumb to the negativity, pain, trauma, hurt, and anything else that tears you down.

Be resilient. It's the ability to hit the gas when you feel like you're on a one-way dark and secluded road.

It means to accept what you cannot change and change what you cannot accept. However, in those situations that we cannot change, remind yourself that you can absolutely change yourself. I love this quote by Sherri Mandell:

Resilience is not about overcoming, but becoming.

Reread that and let it linger. When it manifests within you, shift from being resilient to becoming resilient.

A life transformation awaits you.

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Yours Truly

I've got quite a bit to share with the world. 

Follow along for memos, memoirs, sometimes memes and sometimes meaningful posts. I intend to inspire, motivate, and empower - in my own authentic way.


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