May the wavelengths of your frequency expand to the magnitude of your magic. May the magic of your wonderful extend to the wonders of the galaxies of the you through the me. May the thoughts of your why align to the true self of i. May the ways words meet you be the way love greets you. May the solitude of your strength be the softness of your serenity. May the melodies of your muse be the way that you infuse the feelings into your eMotions. May this moment offer you the whimsicalness of your fairytale as a fantasee for a while in all ways for always.
3.23.22 | 6:07 AM | a wonder of WOW. Team Play All Day. Love All Eternity. Live Through Divinity.
From broke to woke: a glimpse of hope
The solar system of sound is existential as a state of nothing.
We can only be where we are for what we’re becoming by who we have been.
You, wild one, you.
The wilderness is to roam free and just be.
Surrender. Surrender. Surrender.
Free float through the space as a holo+gram
The sonar system detects the versions of your yet-to-become a you.
The theme of the me is truly to just be. The potion of the ocean is in the waves of motion.
From outer space to inner grace, the elements are the particles within; the senses are the concepts with out.
As the self expands the RExCognition of awareness; consciousness extends the cognition of our personal “this.”
Life is the story of a memory through an illusion. Reality is the experience of our own delusions.
Go with the flow to learn about what you know. It’s the complexity of the simplicity that is a teaching of our unlearning.
Bliss is this.
Soaking your truth for all of its use is a poetry of your persona as a star of your personality.
The galaxy of infinity is a perception of our re+ception and a byproduct of one’s INxCeption.
The growth factor is the voice tuned in. The fear factor is the sounds turning up. The love factor is the embrace of grace to welcome all of the eMotions as one through no+thing.
Nothing as is.
Nothing so be.
We all want to play in our own way but gender has shown us who is to stay.
Heart has a home and it looks like a body.
The only way we see gender is functionality as a bridge to our sole INdepenDance.
Perhaps the gender gap began at the beginning of time when men had to go search for some wine.
Date night was a scene to be set and romanticism was nothing but a fret.
Perhaps gender began when expectations were met, that each partner could take on their own bet. For certain science is true, an egg is an egg and a baby is a baby.
Who is to ask anything but maybe?
At one point, there was a question of who feeds the table before there was ever the question of who eats at the table.
I'm sure women volunteered to go hunt just for fun until she looked down to be reminded of the baby bump.
Think of all the fear that must have felt, not knowing if darkness was a place or a belt.
Remember that men were all crafts men in their own right, willing to hunt, fish and kill just to exercise their might.
Was it expectations of abundance that changed the narrative?
Remember the days it was a blessing just to have a candle lit meal and a friendly site to see.
Home is the place you are meant to be.
Gender is the race to the way it should be.
Gender is a thought and a delusion of capability as much as it is a power to nativity.
We are one as bodies, regardless of what you choose to see.
Parties, paparazzi, and petri dishes are all experiments of your experience.
In all genders, in all ages, through all stages, choose to kill for peace as softly as a candlelit blog post with ease.
What a soft release of expectation could do is plant forests of trees to drop you to your knees.
The god within you is greater than the gender of the all mighties.
All righty?
Be your selfie+
Go where you grow.
Yours Truly,
A meracle.
Love what you've experienced? It's the start of something new. It's the start of something YOU!
Let's continue the story of your sweetness. Chapter 1: Go Where You Grow
Let's take our connection outside of here + right into there >>
Selfie Brand Designer | AmeraFattah .com | Metro Detroit